香取正彦/銅燭台【Bronze candlestand by Masahiko Katori】[k0564]
1899年 金工家香取秀真の長男として誕生。東京・小石川出身
1928年 第9回帝展に「魚文鋳銅花瓶」で初入選。
1930年 第11回帝展に「鋳銅花器」を出品して特選
1931年 第12回帝展では「蝉文銀錯花瓶」で再度特選を受賞、第18回商工省工芸展に「銀錯直曲文花瓶」で商工大臣賞二等賞を受賞する。
1932年 第13回帝展に「金銀錯六方水盤」を出品して3年連続特選、第19回商工省工芸展にて一等賞を受賞。
1949年 父秀真と釣り鐘制作をはじめる
1953年 日本芸術院賞受賞
1973年 第20回 日本伝統工芸展20周年記念特別賞
1977年 重要無形文化財「梵鐘」の保持者(人間国宝)に認定。
1988年 死去
Masahiko Katori(1899-1988)
As a metal-casting artist, he received numerous awards at the Nitten and Teiten exhibitions. Studied a wide range of classics, including Chinese, and demonstrated a fresh style that utilised a modern sense of design in a neat form based on tradition.
Shocked by the destruction of many temple bells during the war due to metal offerings, he and his father Hotsuma made bells to pray for peace, leaving behind more than 150 famous bells in Japan and abroad. He is the holder of the Important Intangible Cultural Property (Living National Treasure).
1899 Born as the eldest son of the metalwork artist Katori Hotsuma. Born in Koishikawa, Tokyo.
1928 First time to be selected for an award at the 9th Teiten (Imperial Exhibition) for a 'cast bronze vase with fish design'.
1930 Exhibited a 'cast bronze vase' at the 11th Teiten, which was specially selected.
1931 Awarded a Special Mention again at the 12th Imperial Exhibition for 'Cicada Design Silver Confusion Vase' and the Minister of Commerce and Industry Prize, 2nd Prize, for 'Silver Confusion Vase with Straight Curved Design' at the 18th Ministry of Commerce and Industry Crafts Exhibition.
1932 Awarded a special prize for three consecutive years at the 13th Teiten (Imperial Exhibition) for a gold and silver six-way water basin, and a first prize at the 19th Crafts Exhibition of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
1949 Begins making temple bells with his father Hotsuma.
1953 Awarded the Japan Art Academy Prize.
1973 Special Prize at the 20th Japan Traditional Crafts Exhibition, 20th Anniversary.
1977 Recognised as the holder of the Important Intangible Cultural Property 'Bonbun' (Living National Treasure)
1988 Died
- Size
- Φ 9.4cm /H 17.9cm
- 在庫数
- 1/ Quantity of stock
- 商品コード
- k0564 / Item code
- 配送区分
- 60サイズ
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