高村豊周/ 朱銅花入 松【 Bronze vase with Bonboo design by TOYOCHIKA TAKAMURA】 [k0571]
1890年 高村光雲の三男、高村光太郎の弟として東京に生まれる
1915年 東京美術学校鋳造科本科卒業
1918年 農商務省展覧会2等賞 宮内省買上
1919年 岡田三郎助、長原孝太郎、藤井達吉その他と装飾美術家協会を設立
1926年 東京美術学校助教授・「无型」を設立、新工芸運動を興す
1927年 我国最初の詩碑藤村詩碑を製作・この年より3回に亘り帝展連続特選
1933年 東京美術学校教授。この年より帝展、文展、日展の審査員歴任、商工省輸出工芸展、輸出工芸図案展の審査員歴任
1949年 金沢美術工芸専門学校(現・金沢美術工芸大学)教授
1950年 皇居前楠公銅像修理、日本芸術院会員任命
1958年 金沢美術工芸大学名誉教授
1960年 銀座・和光にて古希記念個展・歌集「露光集」出版・東宮御所及び皇后陛下御座所の為に花瓶制作
1961年 文化財専門技術審議会専門委員
1962年 「光太郎回想」出版
1964年 重要無形文化財保持者に指定・新年御歌会始に召人となる
1967年 勲三等旭日中綬授与
1972年 死去
This is a work by Toyochika Takamura, who left behind many attractive works. His style, which breathed new life into copper vases, which had previously been dominated by classical forms such as karamono, incorporated the Art Nouveau style and led the modern metalworking world along with Tsuda Nobuo.
1890 Born in Tokyo, the third son of sculptor Koun Takamura and younger brother of Kotaro Takamura.
1915 Graduated from Tokyo Fine Arts School, Casting Course.
1918 Awarded second prize at the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce Exhibition, purchased by the Ministry of Imperial Household.
1919 Founded the Society of Decorative Artists with Okada Sabrosuke, Nagahara Kotaro, Fujii Tatsukichi and others.
1926 Associate professor at the Tokyo Fine Arts School, founded the "Iu-kata" (无型) and launched the New Crafts Movement.
1927 Produced our country's first poem monument, the Toson Poem Monument, which was selected three times in succession for the Imperial Exhibition.
1933 Becomes professor at the Tokyo Art School. From this year he was a member of the juries of the Teiten, Bunten and Nitten exhibitions, and of the Export Crafts Exhibition and the Export Crafts Design Exhibition of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
1949 Professor at Kanazawa College of Arts and Crafts (now Kanazawa College of Art)
1950 Restored bronze statue of Lord Kusunoki in front of the Imperial Palace; appointed a member of the Japan Art Academy.
1958 Honorary professor at Kanazawa College of Art
1960 Solo exhibition in commemoration of his 70th birthday at Wako, Ginza; published poetry anthology 'Roko-shu'; produced vases for the Crown Prince's Palace and the Empress's Palace.
1961 Expert member of the Council of Cultural Property Expertise and Technology.
1962 Publication of "Kotaro's Reminiscences".
1964 Designated as a holder of Important Intangible Cultural Property.
1967 Received the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun.
1972 Passed away.
- Size
- W 11cm / D 11cm / H 24cm
- 在庫数
- 1/ Quantity of stock
- 商品コード
- k0571 / Item code
- 配送区分
- 80サイズ
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